Just when i'm writing youngest sister knocked on my door bringing a sad news..our pet hamster 'Jenny' died...It's so sad that Jenny is our family's favourite hamster...though i have another 3 more hamster...Jenny is my sisters favourite hamster other than Johnny..and three other rascals (haven't name them yet)..Jenny and Johnny are both females and the three others are males..but we didn't mixed them ...The other 3 males i haven't thought of a name for each of them yet but for now i called them 'the boys'...May jenny's spirit past on to the other side into the kindom of hamsters with wings..huhuhu..We Missed You Jenny :-(

We Missed You So Much!!!
Edited: When we named Our first 2 hamsters..Jenny and Johnny it was a name borrowed from 'Akademi Fantasia' remember farah AF2 playing with two cameras? Johhny and Jenny?.. :)