All Rise!!!
Hari nie aku bangun lambat skit...penat berjalan smalam...pukul 2 camtu baru aku dapat lelapkan mata..ramai sgt kawan2 aku online layan borak jap..for old times sake..hehehe...smalam aku teman sahabat karib aku si rasydan pegi majistret court...fuyoo..first time pegi court tu...siap masuk dlm walaupon aku bukan pesalah..hehehe..sbb dlam tu sumer yg kene ngadap hakim..aku sorang jer...diorang tak aku main hentam jer lepak dlam tu..huhuhu...agak2 nak abis jer sumer aku keluar awal2 hehehe..takut kantoi..hihihi.Nasib baik leh wat rayuan...kene la RM300 for both offenses...satu memandu dengan cukai jalan tamat tempoh n satu lagi memandu dengan insuran tamat tempoh..maximum fine can reach up to RM3000 for both...huhuhu..To clear up things..BUKAN RASYDAN yg sepatutnya masuk court but his older bro' dier cuma wakil jer...berpeluh2 aku tgk mamat tu tunggu turn..hehehe..adding to that 'heart-stopping' moment hehehe...rupanya right after judge tu bagi keputusan dia kene bayar on the spot...mamat tu mana ade duit + kitorang ingat later leh bayar...Here's a very funny scene:
Rasydan: Errr encik..kene bayar sekarang ke?..takbleh ke saya ambil resit n bayar kemudian
Police: Eh mana boley!! kene bayar sekarang...ader duit tak?..kalau takda suruh kawan kamu tu carik duit (referring to me)
Me: Mamat..aku seriously takde that amount of money..tgh pokai nih...
Police: Ok..skarang cuba carik jalan cari duit tu...sementara ni awak duduk sini..nie kalau nak diikutkan awak kene duduk dalam LOKAP nih..
Rasydan: LOKAPPPP!!?
Police: Takper..awak tu kan manusia bukan haiwan so saya berperikemanusiaan duduk dlm court room nie sampai awak dpt duit..
Rasydan n Me: Baik Encik!! (fuuhhh..legaa)
So we went to the other court room and wait..sambil2 tu tgk other here's my new knowledge...If you were cought drinking while driving or if they do a test and the amount of alcohol is more than 80 Mili?? then u can be fine minimum RM1000 and Maximum RM6000!! advice for u guys out there..dun drink too much or better dun even drink at all...Hehehe and i almost offended the court as i silently mocked one of the offender hehehe..but luckily no one notice or did they? hehehe..actually aku dgrla ader sorang minah 'melayu' nie ngadap judge pasal alkohol lebey dlm badan while dgr la minah nie wat rayuan..."Saya nak minta maaf..janjiTAK BUAT LAGI..saya berpendapatan RENDAH bla bla bla..nak mintak kurangkan fine..." bila sebut jer tang tak buat lagi tu..aku ngan rasydan ala2 bersin kutuk...aku sebut "bullshit" mamat tu sebut "tipu" muahahaha...judge tu cam perasan jer...tapi wat donno..hekhekhek...minah tu cam angin je...hehehe...lagi satu aku nak gelak...berpendapatan rendah?..dah tau takde duit minum la Teh O' ke...Milo ke...nak minum air mahal2...kelakar btul la minah tu..rambut dah karat..ada hati nak kelentong org..kuikuikui..dunia skang pon dah makin pelik...apa dah jadi..tak reti2 nak insaf ke?..musibah dah melanda pon leh leka lagi..heiii...
Well..aku nak gerak g anta i'll be posting on soon...see Ya'
Rasydan: Errr encik..kene bayar sekarang ke?..takbleh ke saya ambil resit n bayar kemudian
Police: Eh mana boley!! kene bayar sekarang...ader duit tak?..kalau takda suruh kawan kamu tu carik duit (referring to me)
Me: Mamat..aku seriously takde that amount of money..tgh pokai nih...
Police: Ok..skarang cuba carik jalan cari duit tu...sementara ni awak duduk sini..nie kalau nak diikutkan awak kene duduk dalam LOKAP nih..
Rasydan: LOKAPPPP!!?
Police: Takper..awak tu kan manusia bukan haiwan so saya berperikemanusiaan duduk dlm court room nie sampai awak dpt duit..
Rasydan n Me: Baik Encik!! (fuuhhh..legaa)
So we went to the other court room and wait..sambil2 tu tgk other here's my new knowledge...If you were cought drinking while driving or if they do a test and the amount of alcohol is more than 80 Mili?? then u can be fine minimum RM1000 and Maximum RM6000!! advice for u guys out there..dun drink too much or better dun even drink at all...Hehehe and i almost offended the court as i silently mocked one of the offender hehehe..but luckily no one notice or did they? hehehe..actually aku dgrla ader sorang minah 'melayu' nie ngadap judge pasal alkohol lebey dlm badan while dgr la minah nie wat rayuan..."Saya nak minta maaf..janji
Well..aku nak gerak g anta i'll be posting on soon...see Ya'
heheheheh...ape la ko ni...
hahahahah..kutuk x ingat nye...
tapi kalau aku kat sane confirm aku join gelak sama.
tah..x de minum benda2 cam tu...
da la byk ...hahahahah..
wei..ape2 pun thanx 4 da information..
take care.."dott"
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