Azam Baru
OK...tahun baru 2005 pun dah 5 hari bermula..sepanjang tahun lepas kebanyakan daripada apa yang aku rancangkan alhamdulillah dah tercapai, ada jugak yg tak tercapai lagi...This year i'm planning on something more important and more challenging...Azam aku tahun baru nie:
1)Self Improvement (Rohaniah dan Jasmaniah... :P)
2)Finalize my Final Year Project
3)Find decent work
4)Continue my Master(If tak dpt kerja by end of the year)
5)Repaint my old Evo a.k.a Saga 1.5 jer! far that's all that crossed my mind..rasa macam tak cukup masa jer nak wat sumer tu...Have u ever wondered why NOW it seems that time flows so FAST??..i do..and i'm scared to be honest hehehe...petanda dunia nak Kiamat if i'm not mistaken daripada apa yang aku baca...
OK..nie citer lain..Because of 'overwhelming' demand...i'm going to post the pictures that i've taken during SAB Gathering and PKS Gathering.On the 1st of January We've organized a small gathering for all SABian's batch SPM 1999 which took place at Shiqin's place..though at first we planned for only my class (5Hemah) but somehow we changed plan and invited all SABian...thank goodness for our change of plan that if we were to only invite Hemahian's it wouldn't be called a gathering...hehe..Well..we managed to gather around 14 Sabians(Not a bad number) and with pot-luck based..we've managed to eat our heart out with a lot of food..Thanx Dongek..Sedap arr ko nyer Mihun Soto..especially ko nyer 'begedil' enak dong..hekhekhek...and to shiqin..LOVED that choc Cake..Yummy! Thanks to all sabians who came that day and for SURELY we will organize another one in the near future...Here's are some pics:

Haa tambah cik Yam tambah...

All of us..

We don't do this very often so SMILE!
The next day i went to another gathering which took place at Mid Valley...This time it's a gathering for all my friends that has work together with me @ we went to lunch @ McD and then.....sumer2 gi dating...tak rupe gathering langsung's the pics

Smile girls!!

Borak2 gak..makan tetap makan (kata apiz)

Ila and Kak Ima
1)Self Improvement (Rohaniah dan Jasmaniah... :P)
2)Finalize my Final Year Project
3)Find decent work
4)Continue my Master(If tak dpt kerja by end of the year)
5)Repaint my old Evo a.k.a Saga 1.5 jer! far that's all that crossed my mind..rasa macam tak cukup masa jer nak wat sumer tu...Have u ever wondered why NOW it seems that time flows so FAST??..i do..and i'm scared to be honest hehehe...petanda dunia nak Kiamat if i'm not mistaken daripada apa yang aku baca...
OK..nie citer lain..Because of 'overwhelming' demand...i'm going to post the pictures that i've taken during SAB Gathering and PKS Gathering.On the 1st of January We've organized a small gathering for all SABian's batch SPM 1999 which took place at Shiqin's place..though at first we planned for only my class (5Hemah) but somehow we changed plan and invited all SABian...thank goodness for our change of plan that if we were to only invite Hemahian's it wouldn't be called a gathering...hehe..Well..we managed to gather around 14 Sabians(Not a bad number) and with pot-luck based..we've managed to eat our heart out with a lot of food..Thanx Dongek..Sedap arr ko nyer Mihun Soto..especially ko nyer 'begedil' enak dong..hekhekhek...and to shiqin..LOVED that choc Cake..Yummy! Thanks to all sabians who came that day and for SURELY we will organize another one in the near future...Here's are some pics:

Haa tambah cik Yam tambah...

All of us..

We don't do this very often so SMILE!
The next day i went to another gathering which took place at Mid Valley...This time it's a gathering for all my friends that has work together with me @ we went to lunch @ McD and then.....sumer2 gi dating...tak rupe gathering langsung's the pics

Smile girls!!

Borak2 gak..makan tetap makan (kata apiz)

Ila and Kak Ima
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