Melaka Trip

With my best buddies at Melaka
I just get back from Melaka attending my friends wedding...actually not my friends wedding but it's my "Kawan punya Kawan" haha..just a favour for my friend Hezry..we all agreed to follow him to his friend's wedding..btw it's not so far from my 'kampung' so..i agreed...we first planned to go early friday morning but with only 3's not going to be a fun we've(me,hezry,rasydan) manage to persuade megat n Fir to follow delayed our trip up until after friday after prayer..we started our journey and we arrived there at about 6pm...Mandi Laut Time!! huhuhu...until 7pm..after that we went to the 'akad nikah' ceremony and watched the firework display when the 'pengantin' arrived back from the ceremony. After that we all 'serong' to Melaka town but there was nothing to see so we went back home but on the way back, we 'singgah' a warong to have some drinks and there we're stuck there watching 'Sarjan Hassan' on astro...we laughed and even take turn playing dialogue's weired how we even remember all the dialogue in the movie...i guess the movie did have an impact on us since we we're little...the next morning we woke up late and rushed to the 'kenduri'...after filling our empty stomach we head straight back to kl...exhausted!
Aper laa yang seronok sangat pergi Melaka. Tapi kena ingat laa kan, mcm kata orang2 tua:
- Knowledge is gain through the jurney, not the destination-
*Hidup Jep! Hidup Malaysia! Hidup Norwich City!*
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